Racial Trauma
Treatment Research

Combatting racism and psychological unwellness.

Study Findings

We are now the process of validting the Racial Stress and Trauma Treatment Protocol (RSTTP), which is the protocol featured in A Clinician’s Guide to Healing the Wounds of Racial Trauma. Although each technique has been shown to reduce symptoms of racial trauma in people of color, the overall approach as a comprehensive treatment has yet to be validated. We examined the findings of our pilot study as of May 2024, with the whole intent-to-treat sample (6 completers and 2 drop outs). At that point, the mean RTS significantly dropped from 66.63 (12.92) to 56.13 (12.85) from Week 0 (pre-treatment) to Week 20 (follow-up), with last value carried forward for dropouts. Findings showed a large effect size (d=1.12).

Results Matter

This graph on the left shows the mean scores on the Racial Trauma Scale (RTS) of participants who completed the Racial Stress and Trauma Treatment Protocol as of October 2024 (N=7). The downward slope illustrates in the drop in scores, which represents decreasing symptoms. Symptoms continue to improve even after the treatment ends at week 12. Data collection is ongoing.

Research Papers & Presentations

Williams, M. T., Holmes, S., Zare, M. Haeny, A. H., & Faber, S. C. (2023). An evidence-based approach for treating stress and trauma due to racism. Cognitive and Behavioral Practice, 30 (4), 565-588. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cbpra.2022.07.001

Holmes, S. C., Zare, M., & Haeny, A., & Williams, M. T. (2024). Racial stress, racial trauma, and evidence-based strategies for coping and empowerment. Annual Review of Clinical Psychology, 20, 77-95. https://doi.org/10.1146/annurev-clinpsy-081122-020235

Williams, M. T. (2024, June 21-23). Racial Trauma: New Hope for a Hidden Problem. Keynote presentation for Traumatic Stress Section. Canadian Psychological Association (CPA) 2024 Convention, Ottawa, ON.

MacIntyre, M. M. & Williams, M. T. (2024, October 18). Healing Racial Trauma: A Novel Antiracist and Culturally Informed CBT Intervention. Black Mental Health: Reclaiming the Path to Joy. 2nd National Conference, University of Ottawa, ON. 

All Racial Trauma Papers